Los Vladimirovich's FW13 campaign is dazzling, I love my jackets I think they are key pieces for outfits, everybody should have that one coat which get's people's eyes raising. This collection is perfect, I love everything about it, slight grungy or rock 'n' roll laced with drops of classic tailoring. Obviously, Cole Mohr is another valid reason why this campaign is awesome, great models with a stunning collection of tattoos which is a kind of accessorie of its own. My favoruite jackets are as follow, the orange jacket I love the grey collaring and the inside, the combination of grey and orange is pretty clever and subdubed. Menswear is chillingly perfect, its not fair, I'm sorry but they look so good in it, ah menswear designers do it so well, watch the video.
To Ra.
Words by Deborah Crosswire